I took this class and was really looking forward to it every since hearing about it. (I have no idea what you’re talking about) This is what I thought about it.

###Things I liked:
- The experiment: I really like that they are experimenting with new models for education. The established model is extremely exclusive and very expensive which is bad for almost everyone.
- Video lectures: If you miss something, you can easily go back and check it.
###Things I disliked:
- The lectures: I realize that this was an intro level class, but it was extremely simple and I would have liked a more in depth introduction. I hope the actual course teaches more of everything for the sake of Stanford students.
- The mid-lecture quizzes: Many of the quiz questions were vague and required making a lot of assumptions which often proved wrong. I didn’t mind being answering questions during the lecture, but the questions themselves left a lot be desired in terms of clarity and purpose.
- The homeworks and exams: The only problems that required any understand were the probability ones. Everything else required no critical thinking. Problems should require you to think critically about what you are doing.
- Challenge: I thought the entire course was extremely easy and simple, requiring no effort on my part to get 80-95% on the assignments.
- Corrections: Even though it is free, I expected the course to be a lot more thorough. The number and scope
of corrections made it seem like the professors had never taught a class before.
- Extensions: Almost every assignment was given a one day extension. What’s the point?
In the end, I would not recommend taking this course. I did not gain any useful skills or learn enough about the field of AI to justify the amount of time required.